5 Simple Tricks To Improve Your Sleep Quality (Instantly!)

Tactics Recommended By CDC For Improving Sleep Quality

Mohit Shangari
5 min readMay 12, 2021
Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

After a long tiring day, you get back to your home have your dinner, get in those comfy clothes, put on your sleep mask, and slip into your bed for an uninterrupted 8 hours of sleep, waking up fresh and active the next day.

This is the sleep cycle that everyone is looking for! But is this what everyone’s getting? According to a report by the CDC, about one-third of American adults aged in the bracket of 18–60 suffer through sleep deprivation and complaint about waking restless every morning. Not only getting insufficient sleep is detrimental for starting fresh on your new day but extends the chances of having chronic health disorders like Type 2 Diabetes, Obesity, Heart Disease, and Depression.

The same report continues on to state that people having a short sleep duration; defined as sleep less than 7 hours for adults, proliferates their chances of getting a heart attack by one fold, Arthritis by 10%, Depression by 8%, and even Cancer by significant margins.

So getting a night of good quality sleep is a must and here are the 5 tricks to improve your sleep quality (Instantly!)

· Consistent Sleeping Schedule
· Creating an Ideal Sleep Environment
Regulate the room temperature
Lights Out
Embrace the Quiet
· Being Mindful Of What You Eat
· Get Some Exercise
· What if you can’t sleep

Consistent Sleeping Schedule

This is the first and the foremost step in developing healthy sleep hygiene. Going to bed and getting up at the same time every day; Yes even during weekends in case you’re wondering! helps the body to set an internal sleeping mechanism.

This mechanism has been beneficial to synchronize our Circadian rhythms which are nothing but bodies’ internal alarm clock to set up our sleep-wake cycle, So that we don’t wake up craving for food late at night or feel sleepy during the day.

These rhythms work on a 24-hour sleep-wake cycle, where the exposure to bright sunlight makes you energetic and ready to work, whereas lack of sunlight or nighttime releases melatonin which makes you feel sleepy and ready to slip into your bed.

Getting over the science stuff, In short, if you sleep and wake non-sporadically at fixed times then you are more likely to have a good sound sleep every day. So, make sure you sleep and wake at the same time.

Comfy Bedroom
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Creating an Ideal Sleep Environment

It’s more obvious than you think! An ideal sleep environment can improve the chances of you sleeping instantly.

Putting a lot of stuff in the room which you can associate with work or stress can literally numb your chances of getting proper sleep. If you use your bedroom as a makeshift office then your brain associates that place with work and all the anxiety that comes with it, this hampers your chances of falling asleep even when you want to.

So #1 Step is to get rid of all the things that associates your room with anything other than sleep or romance; Yep, I mentioned romance it’s imperative to have it over there.

The next steps for an ideal sleep bedroom are

Regulate the room temperature

Taking various studies into account an ideal temperature for sleeping is generally between 60–67 degrees Fahrenheit, which can be achieved by using air conditioners to cool down the room temperature and most importantly wearing light linens or even better sleeping naked as it lowers the body temperature and helps in sleeping immediately.

Keep the Lights Out

Keeping your room dark is an important trick to sync your Circadian rhythms. By dimming your room your brain releases a hormone by the name of melatonin which calms your nerves and helps you go to the sleeping mode. Make sure you keep your iPhone or any other device that emits blue light off from you or else they might interfere with your circadian rhythms and avert you from sleeping

Embrace the Quiet

Embracing peace and quietness is what will make your sleep “a quality sleep”. Getting rid of all the devices which can disrupt your sleep especially your smartphone as notifications, alarms are keen to distract you. Keep your sleep close and distractions away!

Now let’s dive into our next trick that will make you more mindful of what you eat.

Food to avoid: shows a plate with eggs,carrots and a leafy vegetable arranged to look like a sad face
Photo by Klaus Nielsen from Pexels

Be Mindful Of What You Eat

Introspecting what you eat can help you fix your sleep cycle. Consuming caffeinated or alcohol-based products before bedtime can inhibit your sleep and leave you reckless during the night (which is horrendous if you listen to me).

So here’s a list of items you should avoid before sleeping:

  • Caffeine: Your cup of fav cafe latte or mocha has to be avoided if you don’t want yourself screwed during the night
  • Alcohol or other addictives: This is a tricky one; anecdotal shreds of evidence state that alcohol can help you sleep but when researched for its impact in a longer frame of time, we see it inhibits sleep instead of improving it.
  • Large or Heavy Meals: Taking in a heavy meal before few hours of sleeping can put your digestive system working and thus hampering your sleep.

Now let’s examine how does exercising influences the sleep cycle!

Woman Exercising in her house
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Get Some Exercise

Late-night exercises have been fruitful in getting a good night’s sleep due to the fact that they tire our body out, but don’t go too harsh on you as it might exhaust your body and leave you breathless which is certainly what you don’t want. Coming back to nighttime exercises, they not only tires you out but helps in cooling down your body which as mentioned earlier is a great way of sleeping swiftly.

What if you can’t sleep

Even after going through all the steps recommended in this article, you don’t see yourself following a healthy sleeping schedule then we highly suggest seeing a doctor and listening to what they say.

Furthermore, Meditation and Relaxing Music have been fruitful in curbing various sleeping disorders. So you can definitely try them out.

So, which of these tricks are you going to make use of? I would love to listen, Comment Below ⬇

Thank you for sticking this long and reading this article, and I would like to appreciate you for that.



Mohit Shangari

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